Track Now. Enjoy Later.

Keep track of the movies, shows, games, books and audiobooks you want to check out, all in one place.

Track Now. Enjoy Later.

Keep track of the movies, shows, games, books and audiobooks you want to check out, all in one place.

Track Now. Enjoy Later.

Keep track of the movies, shows, games, books and audiobooks you want to check out, all in one place.

Available on

Available on



Apple Silicon Mac

Apple Vision Pro

Streamlined Tracking

Streamlined Tracking

Keeping your entertainment library tidy can be time-consuming. That’s why Sequel does all the heavy-lifting, so you can enjoy your media instead of managing it.

Your media wishlist

Whether it's the TV show your friend raved about or an upcoming game you saw online, Sequel is the best way to remember them and keep track of their completion.

Quick entry

With its unified search, Sequel makes it easy to find what you're looking for and add it to your wishlist.

Neatly organized

Start tracking items in Sequel and it will automatically organize them for you with handy highlights of just-released titles, upcoming releases and more. Sequel makes it a breeze to browse your library.

Don't Miss a Thing

Don't Miss a Thing

Looking forward to a new release? Sequel is designed to help you keep track of those titles you're eagerly waiting for.

Beautiful widgets

Sequel's widgets are a fun way to keep an eye on your most anticipated releases straight from your Home Screen and Lock Screen.

Release reminders

Don't miss the latest episode from your favorite show or that new game you've been waiting for.

Up Next queue

Mark episodes as watched and keep track of where you left off. New episodes get automatically added to the queue.

Pick what to enjoy next

Pick what to enjoy next

If you’re not sure what to pick from your wishlist, Sequel gives you the right details to help you choose and even helps you discover new favorites.

Just what you need

Find out where to watch movies or series and open streaming apps with just a tap. You'll also get a detailed description, average rating, trailers, and more. For gamers, Sequel even tells you how long it takes to beat a game and what consoles it's available on.


Discover your favorite actors and directors' past work and stay up-to-date on their upcoming projects.


Discover your next obsession and don't miss out on the latest and hottest releases.

And so much more.

And so much more.

Trakt Sync

Keep your movies and series in sync with your Trakt account.

Magic Lookup

Instantly find, explore, and save media from the web into Sequel.

Personal Notes

Capture thoughts, quotes, and more – all with Markdown formatting.


Collections are great for organizing your content the way you want.

Shortcuts Support

Create powerful automations with a wide range of actions and filters.

Alternative Icons

Personalise your app with custom icons inspired by popular media.

iCloud Sync

Sequel seamlessly keeps your data synchronised across your devices.


Privacy is one of our core values. That's why we never sell or share your data with third-parties.

Product Hunt Badge

Sequel is lovingly crafted by Romain Lefebvre

Sequel is lovingly crafted by Romain Lefebvre
